
Santa's Current Problem Part 1

     There are two parts to this Santa Claus presentation.
Santa Claus has always lived at the North Pole. There are a lot of animal species in the world. A lot of their lives depend on the existence of the northern ice cap.

This is what people think the North Pole looks like

85° Latitude

It's cold. You'd better have a good tent

Warm dogs haul their dinner.

Flat space was Santa's House
      Nearly everyone agrees that polar bears, who are dangerous types to humans, can not fly by themselves on any particular day of the year. Extraordinarily, reindeer can do just that - but only according to Santa Claus and his special schedule.
     The only major question that might become clear to the United Nations’ the meeting[1] in France in December is for universal world agreement on climate. The goal of this meeting in France is to establish an agreement between everyone’s representatives about anything. I think the entire world’s major question for this meeting is, “Where will Santa, as well as the flying reindeer which are obviously needed for Christmas, might live in the future”?
      Currently the problem that people have identified is that the big arctic ice cap has been shrinking. There are other notable big ice masses that, for example, are called Antarctica and Greenland. The only thing that is different in this case is that neither Greenland or Antarctica are ice caps for two reasons. First, they are not the most northern ice masses that still exist. Secondly, Greenland is the world’s largest island but resembles Antarctica’s geological material. For one example, Greenland is land and it doesn’t float around like the North Pole. It seems to be melting too.
     There is still one more scientific consideration that hasn't occurred to the general public. Some people think that Earth's ice is melting because the atmospheric temperature is rising. Concurrently we are also losing millions of historic Earths' general weather’s data sources as the ice "files" disappear. That "file" is stored in the North Pole's hundred feet ice tubes that have already been extracted from drilling them out of the North Pole's ice layers[3].

     Just how fast does that happen? Everyone knows that ice officially melts at precisely 32°. During that "waiting" time, the actual temperature of the ice that still exists might have gone from -50° below zero to 31° above zero. Hey, it's still ice. It is just 31° ice. Do you realize how much closer that ice is to becoming liquid?
     I don’t make these thermal occurrences up but finding data to understand them take both raw data and statistical abstracted evidence[2] that I find hard to obtain. I have no idea about how many people are employed to collect data on any ice mass. The following source is one example of how we are collecting data, I honestly don’t know how many other sources exist or are operating.

NP Observatory 2002 then at ?Lat

NP 2011
     We call the northern pole the North Pole for a couple of reasons. It is supposed to be the most northern place on the sphere that we call Earth It does float and then drift. Therefore the so-called North Pole actually changes its position in any geological direction.
     The other reason is that it is supposed to pinpoint our magnetic most northern. The difference in this case is that the center of the Earth is liquid iron. Our inner earth’s molten liquid can change positions as well and so, in fact, scientists say that the North and South Poles will interchange. I assume that this probably isn’t currently important as compared to the Earth's ice melting.
      It has been said that perhaps Antarctica has a similar dilemma. How should we analyze this situation? We see a chronologically sorted pictures from the North Pole observatory. Do we see any differences?

NP 2012

NP 2014 now at 87°Lat

All of the pictures that we saw were all taken from a camera held by a person. There are additional pictures that were not taken by a person.

      How should we analyze this situation? NASA Digital cameras were first designed and developed by NASA for satellites[5,6,7]. Old fashioned camera film doesn’t work in zero degrees environments. You can’t bring film back home from space. Will the digital camera work in the North or South Pole or the California Death Valley? Yep. Now we get to another look at this situation. I only get some pictures from the news. These pictures were taken from the same NASA and NOAA satellites. I don’t live in the North Pole because it’s too cold for me. There is more statistical data that is also available for the government and world public[2]. Good luck. You can find the data that will support your theory. Any politician/lawyer/pope/scientist/editor/media can always present a theory that they or the majority of human population approves of. If the majority agrees with you then you “win”. I think that’s the way that all humans have existed for the past 2½ million years. Generally, most people like their favorites news show too. For media example, they “reported” what the president actually said in this way, “I am .. not … a … smart person”. Yep, he did say those words and many more. Get it? These aren’t new tricks. Warnings are everywhere. They insist that smoking causes cancer. That is the opinion of the majority and it’s based on factual statistics. That's how insurance companies make their companies work and profit. They insure everyone at different rates because they know how long people in your age and relative positions will live or die. Every business operates successfully in the same way. Isn’t this fun?

Do you want to live here?

NP 2012. Has Earth changed in 4½ Billion years?

NP 1980

NP 2012 now at 88°Lat
     In my part 2 of this whole story (next blog entry) NORAD has historically reported that Hawaii is Santa’s last Christmas eve visit. That really fun part will be on the next blogs available date. On top of this, there are my usual annoying additions which will be kind of cohesive with my theme for this part-1 of my blog. There once was a time when there was no ocean in this world. Where the water came from or somehow formed here is unknown so far. Let’s move on to another related story that might have something to do with melting ice. Is this story right or consentient? Who knows?
      The Great Lakes[8] began to form around 14,000 years ago, as retreating ice sheets carved basins into the land that were eventually filled with glacier melted water. Hmm, the melted ice lakes now contain 21% of the world's surface fresh water by volume. There was more ice on Earth than were just the incipient lakes. In fact, there were more that were also augmented. Our new ocean’s depth began to increase when this world’s ice melted.
      Supposedly that will happen again when our current ice melts too. What will we do without Florida or Hawaii or New York?

NP 2014 now at 87°Lat

      Did the humans’ bad habits cause this current big meltdown? No doubt in my mind. Was increased CO2 in the atmosphere caused by those same bad humans. No doubt. We will also use every resource that we can as fast as we can. Did our increased CO2 possibly be a factor in the world’s temperature increase? Why not? Did the same change in our world create the Great Lakes? No. We couldn’t do that 14000 years ago, or 2 million years ago either. How do I know these things? I get my opinion by comparing available data and history’s experience that has been recorded. Well, according to a group of people, God already knows our history. Of course God refuses to talk to me. Instead I looked for my recorded experiences from people that were known to be in close ties with God and might perform other miracles.
      One person that I know of is a real person. In fact, a saint. Unfortunately, he never even saw the Great Lakes because Saint Nicholas was born 1745 years ago to a Greek family in Turkey. Later he was called Santa Claus in America. I think he was popular because he gave children gifts in 270AD. Gifts from anyone in that historic era were, well, "They ain't no socks from JCPenny's) We’re back to the same question when I started this blog,
          “Where will he live next?”

[1] United Nation’s December meeting in France.
[2]I looked at these statistics. There is a lot more.
National Science Foundation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wihki/North_Pole#References
[3]Ice cores http://climatekids.nasa.gov/climate-change-evidence/
[4]Observatory pictures http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/gallery_np.html
[5]Nasa North pole picture satellite http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view_cat.php?categoryID=620
[6]blue earth http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/
[7]other Nasa blue melting picture http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-north-pole-is-melting/
[8]Great Lakes http://https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lakes

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