
Are Computers Evil?


America's first programmers. Six women (not these)4
   Have computers ever been evil? No. How many evil computers exist now? None.    In my old blog I supposedly owned a crystal ball that, like the wizard of Oz, could foretell the future. Ha Ha, So far, it has never been wrong. Huh? If you like scary movies, well, those represent our human lives.
   I was born awhile back. When I was a child, there was no such thing as a computer. There were no PCs. There was no “Windows” either. (I finished college instead) . If you have read what I wrote before, then I did know something.
   Yep, history calls this our first computer. It was thought of and paid for this one by the military to follow bombs and eventually missiles. its first programs included a study of the feasibility of the hydrogen bomb3    Then later, along came more.

Two people Clarke2 and Kubrick5 (geniuses and possibly ET’s) invented another computer in 1968 that was big AND could think.

   Some things that we call Hackers came long as well. They did know a little about machines. They didn’t know what the computers could do. Don’t get mixed up, but the “evil” is already here. The evil has been here two and a half million years.
   Chronologically, HAL was given a mission and was further instructed that he was not to fail. The problem was that HAL had to think about either failing his mission or killing the humans that were preventing the same.

   Just about that time, before the internet or Microsoft, I was using the ARPANET and inventing my own computers6. I won’t say what but we’re still using them every day.
   When I fed all of these stories into my future foretelling magic crystal ball (It is not a computer but just like Oz instead) and it did predict some interesting things. Most people say that the crystal ball is very wrong primarily because they don’t want to believe what it is saying.
   There are already mini-computers such as drones that navigate and fly together to succeed in any of their instructed missions. Robots are already doing things that used to be employed by humans like doing our banking needs or building our cars that we are mostly still driving by ourselves. These examples are just simple . Computers already compete with humans in more complicated games like chess or Jeopardy.

   These computers are just machines right now because they don’t think.
   Exactly what is the definition of actual thinking? We still haven’t figured out how our brains do whatever they’re doing.
   My crystal ball says that someone will and eventually can let the robots build their own replacements and artificial human parts as well. This is what we call "reproduction"
   Humans still want to live longer lives. How about 2500 years instead of 75?
Could this be your next question and/or answer?

[1]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ENIAC [2](1968) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_C._Clarke

[3]Hydrogen Bomb Scott McCartney p.103 (1999): "ENIAC correctly showed that Teller's scheme would not work, but the results led Teller and Ulam to come up with another design together."
[4]Following the initial six programmers, an expanded team of a hundred scientists was recruited to continue work on the ENIAC
Among these were several women again, including Gloria Ruth Gordon Sullivan, Patricia (July 26, 2009). "Gloria Gordon Bolotsky, 87;
Programmer Worked on Historic ENIAC Computer". The Washington Post. Retrieved August 19, 2015

[5]kubrick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001:_A_Space_Odyssey_%28novel%29

[6]In my college there were two old computers, (not IBM/hal) the PDP-11 and a bigger DEC-10. In 1975 A man called William Crowther created a logistic teaching game called “Adventure”. I think he worked for the military too. Hey, the military still uses games….Hmmm Sounds familiar.

1 comment:

  1. People run computers. Not the other way around yet.
