
Why do people get Married?

My Historic Apprehensive Prelude:

This is the next part of life in America – and probably the rest of the world.
For most people, this is what living is all about. Some disagree.
This is what some people call Dating. [1]  Mankind has been around for 200,000 years. This is the one thing that the mankind does most successfully. [2, 3] 

Do bad things happen to some women in life? Here's when my wife knew it.

No more Theology or Philosophy. Now comes the Real Part

  A lot of people say, “I don't like surprises!”. What they really mean is “Good ones”. Not “Bad ones”. If you're rare enough that you don't get any surprises in your life, then those has the same effects on your most boring life. I'll give you a few more details on those effects that I just mentioned.

  This is my brother in law with two wives (one at a time). The last couple think they're currently happy and successful. My wife and I wish them well with our realistic optimism.
Was Debbie And Now It's Ruth

  All of these pictures represent a total of four relationships engaged chronologically in either marriage [5] , divorce[6]  or about to start new married relationships. I'll try to explain who did what? I know all of these people so I think the important perception was how I was involved in most of these lives. That idea doesn't make me offer my opinions idiosyncratically.[4] 

or Hers
Important Questions? You decide
Details or examples
G Reproduction: Do you want to practice at having how many healthy children? Babies how many or fooling around with who and how much and with which sex
If you don't like sex with me I'm glad I know at any time. This is not 1916 tradition.
H Survival: How much money we will need to be happy and enabling food and medical help? Time at work or not? Split our money? Who is the Treasurer and/or Abdicator
J What do you do in your spare time (with or without me). Hobbies? Do you need your own time? How much?
B honesty (will we ever lie to each other What's your definition of Fidelity or anything?
C Respect. e.g. can we disagree or have other opinions like political or anything else? and how we treat each other when it will happen. Can we trust each other's answer? (Impossible)
D Do we trust each other completely? Is that a tough one? This might be part of other items. (Impossible)
K Religion how, which, where. atheist, doesn't matter
E anger (that's between us or the rest is a big question) (What are you gonna do? Believe me, you can't possibly answer that question) I think you should probably dis-include assault)
L alcohol and/or self-prescribed drugs, tobacco? We know now but behave better later?
F Are you artistic What or How?, Musician, Author, Painter or ?
I What are your parents like? look normally, diseased, happy, etc.? You might be something like them?
A Morality Something like shop lifting, murder
? What did I forget to ask? Good Luck Forever

  Everyone knows that the best way to know more about anyone is simple – just talk to them. This applies to all age differences. If you want to talk to anyone just ask them a few questions. I'll tell you more about my plans to really know a friend or partner. Otherwise, talk to a ten year old the same way. Ask them what they interested in doing or “Why is the sky blue?” If they won't talk or say something like ,”'Cause it's just the way it is.”
  Lose them or you're wasting your life's time.
  Courts, Cops or Psychologists know the same thing. I looked up things to ask everyone before potential matrimony, On just the net I found lots of different opinions starting with ten references starting from Ask Abby, Oprah Winfrey and psychologically based authors.
  First, if you're interested in someone that you're really interested in, then a list of some of your important opinionated personal traits is a good idea.

Quad Cities Fitness is where it started
Apparently her business part Apparently his business part

  The other reason to talk with someone is to shut up and really listen to them. The young woman in this collection is Caitlyn who is still in business and that's the only reason I use friends' real names. (FB:caitlyn.walston)
  A couple of years ago she joined the gang and came to visit us around Christmas. Since those two kind of planned to be married, I think what really scared her the most was that I would be her uncle in law.
  On evening the others were playing Scrabble in the living room when she sat in a different room with me. Yep, we actually listened to each other and I had a few questions regarding her future. I think that was the really scary part for her.
  Four months latter she broke up with my nephew. Did something good happen? I bet she'll remember me for my questions to which she replied, “Hmmm, I never thought about that.” Now she has another boyfriend and I'll never see her again because she's smart and she will probably remember what we talked about.


  Any woman that will actually listen to me scares everybody. I told her to watch out for some men.

References or notes:
[1] What people think "dating" is all about.

6. a. An engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.
b. One's companion on such an outing.

[2] ”Homo-sapiens has been around for 200,000 years.
“Modern man” is only 50,000 years old. We are both of them.

[3] The World's Human Population>
WORLD Population Problem from a previous blog which is always truth

[4] The definition of love is in dictionaries. That definition is whatever the people's majority think it is.
Some dictionarties don't agree.
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like):
Would you like to see a movie, love?

6. An intense emotional attachment to something, as to a pet or treasured object Note: Sibling excluded depending on where or when you live.

[5] How many people are marrried in US? 4,345,000 people of our population

[6] Divorce rates in the U.S. and second and third re-marriages
Read whatever source you like. The average number here somewhere is 6.9 %


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