"Preface” What does Innocent mean to DOD employees?
"PART 1: "Who was bad or Who is bad now? (limited report)”
"PART 2: "Do U.S. Preidents know anything about the military?”
Final PART 3: My advice for Hillary Clinton.
Do you know anything about the DOD?
Sometimes I compose or just scribble my blogs in several incomprehensible pieces. Today that is necessary. I have read a lot of blogs (now that they exist) and primarily are based on authors’ opinions. Any author’s opinions are formed just like the rest of us - by learning and experiencing many different things in our lives. Our other “important news” allusions also present their own opinions. There is one major difference between “news” or blog opinions. “News” agencies and other TV shows do what they do to make money. CSNBC(1996),FOX(1986),CNN(1980) and the big three(from 50’s) all focus on what their audiences want to see because as you know, TV ratings and advertising prices are correlated. These days, we ask, who were America’s big three TV channels in the 50’s[14] and some guy called Walter Cronkite?[15] I enjoy watching them all (and BBC and others) because they all have different stories or accounts of the same story. I have three parts to my own blog’s view as well. Bill O’reilly and I have our own versions too. |
"PART 1: "Who was bad or Who is bad now? (limited report)”
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Nixon was in trouble for something involving a hotel[2] in 1972-73. Quite frankly I’m not old enough to remember the really good stuff but I can remember a couple of things that might be similar to Hillary’s current problem. Andrew Johnson took over for Abraham Lincoln and contemplated or intended to reverse Lincoln’s opinions[28] since he was assassinated. In my opinion, Nixon did a better job of being our president and a little thievery. They were both impeached. Was Nixon legally guilty before or after he resigned? Nope (5-7 others though). |
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After thirteen hours of debate, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against Ex-President Bill Clinton, by charging him
with “lying under oath.” [3] After the trial concluded, President Clinton said he was “profoundly sorry…” I know some important realizations about Hillary Clinton for what she currently might have been doing since March of this year (2015).[4] It’s difficult to tell what anyone really did or we thought they did was “bad”. The other Clinton[7] did something we officially thought is bad too.[5] So what’s going on historically so far. I’m still trying to figure out exactly who did bad things? I’m still a bit confused but I’ll tell you a few things that I have currently gathered and amalgamated.[10] Chronologically reporting, then there was the first of three presidents who originated this whole impeachment[6] processing series. In the 70’s, what on earth were computers or email? Hey, we could magically put our conversations and music on magnetic tapes. Computers used the same technological recording method. In either case, they can all be erased. As I recall, some of what the interrogators say that were recorded on normally magnetically recorded professional recordings mysteriously disappeared. Who gets the next turn? Since March of this year Hillary Clinton apparently got herself into a sort of “situation”. The news companies loves all problems of any kind. Simultaneously, Defense Secretary Ash Carter Will Be Investigated for “using personal email”. Does that sound familiar? [11] This only beginning to sound like a real problem. Our personal physicians and our entire military are also “modern”. I mean, does anyone write letters anymore? How many people in this whole world actually use email? Our military only invented the Computer. [12] . I think Bill Clinton was t he first president who used email. [13] . What will happen next? Didn’t Obama use a cell phone too? What’s next? Refrigerators and washing machines are antiques? How could Hillary Clinton do her job if she didn’t send classified emails? That’s a great question for the news. Maybe I did too? In every case, the real questions are really ,”What Information?” AND “How?” and “To-Whom”? I have an opinion but it is only that – an opinion. There are at least 1.4 million other Americans who deal with Top Secret data professionally. What does classified data mean? I KNOW what the rules actually are. [9][9½] All of the information that I’m sharing today are already known by the entire world’s public just by looking at my unclassified references. I’ll give Clinton a little information about the job I had which was a lot like yours in some aspects. |
"PART 2: "Do U.S. Preidents know anything about the military?”
This part is about a military base. The military just does whatever it is that they do? I may have a classified job or not. Anyone that
has read
my past mystical blogs for 30 years know that I always obtain enlightenment from my time-traveling machine room or allegorical crystal ball. Military installations always deal with classified data. That concurrency is the reason that it is pertinent to the previously mentioned political employees in this story. I want to make clear the whole reason for wars in the past 2½ million years. Was strength, politicians and our secrets all part of our desire to reproduce? Yes. The complete reason for my life is my (½)part reproduction. To begin our 20th century, there were two teams that wanted to play in our world’s big repro game. They were the Axis[22] and the Allies. The good allies wanted to put a little bump in the Axis trail to encounter or confront the U.S. We sent our Marines to take over a little island in the middle of the Pacific ocean for that purpose. While most people and military were attending church on a Sunday in 1941, the Japanese pulled a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor[23] around an AF base called Hickam run by a smart guy named Charles Smith. [24,25] A surprise? No. We saw them coming on that new RADAR gadget but we thought they were bad weather or just a problem with our new electronic something. Ahem, that attacked base also developed the Pacific Command(PACOM)[27] and formerly called the North American Air Defense Command - NORAD.[26] These two bases were supposed to be for looking-out on correctly working radars for WWIII and Santa Claus.[30] I know that Trump or Clinton were not responsible for anything on that date in 1941. What the whole world called “World War II” was a very big war that killed a lot of people from 1939 to 1945.[20] Why did this war turn into a whopping bomber (by American Democratic President Harry S. Truman)? [21] Gee, didn’t I just outline the reasons for this? Now, back to the important things that have to do with all of the above. Soon I will resume to number three Hillary Clinton. She is not or was not one of my listed bad presidents. She is accused of doing bad things anyway. I’ll get to the lie detector part in a little while. Meanwhile, I don’t have the patience or enough writing space for anything bad that any of us are still doing or lied about anything to anyone. If someone wants to throw the first stone then ask them if they’re innocent. I’ll bet that there is a billion long line of people who think so. Coming up, I know folks in one DOD that are innocent. Today I asked the world’s computer (try your own browser) ,” What is Hillary Clinton accused of”? I’m not editing this. Here are the first four that popped up. Since this blog is not professional, I put further investigation right behind my lunch.[16…19] |
All of the above data is portrayed in a second-person point of view. This is only the first part that legal courts don’t allow. These days, aren’t
cameras recording everything for the news? They are allowed in courts but remember, cameras only record when and what they are pointed at.[31]
All of this so far leaves both Clintons looking pretty naughty. I’ll bring up the question of legality later in this blog.
Otherwise I want to be fair in my politically objective reporting. I’ll start that one in another major blog. I’ll disclose my opinion on
whether or not Republicans are as “innocent”.
Final PART 3: My advice for Hillary Clinton.
Do you know anything about the DOD?
As far as I know the boss for the DOD is our president. Another theory says that the Secretary of State is the premier of the cabinet.[32] I’ll tell you a little about this other little gadget (Like radars were). We call them lie detectors. Do they work? That’s an excellent example of the questions the operators will question you. The ONLY answers that you are allowed to answer are just like the courts - YES or NO. The only difference between the court and the rest of the world is the difference between the truth and the “whole truth”. Let me what I define as “the whole truth” to you. Are you understanding this so far? (Y or N)? |
I know a few things about working in PACOM. In reality I’m just one of the janitors in this place. Who cares what classification I had? Our primary necessity was to be sure that the Admiral’s office was clean. In our jobs we had to watch the pizza delivery employees as well. If their pizzas didn’t taste good, then they didn’t return to our building. Period. |
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Here’s the theory of how a lie detecting technological device works. It’s a relatively simple polygraph[29] that records your
body’s blood pressure,
pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity(sweat)
in respect to time that merely indicates any changes in it’s observable physiological data. The definition of what is right or wrong is whatever the majority of our humans think it is. When you are tested then any thinking is unnecessary. It is also useless. That always does. Even the things that God wants were recorded by people too. God’s and therefore our laws constantly change. So, if you think you aren’t lying then ”Bingo”, you aren’t and those are exactly the results that are returned from the lie detector. The “result” also indicted that if you answer “no” but if YOU think the answer is “yes”, then you only lie when you know that you are. It’s really that simple. That’s all it is and the US courts[40] don’t allow the lie detector result to be referred to as any legal result and recording them in the first place is only for you to judge what you think you might have done something that you don’t think that most people think. (You might need to read that again.) Therefore a lie is only what the cops refer to as a “situation”. That lie s then needed to be examined more thoroughly. What that means is beyond this explanation today. Let me know if you do know. The reason this ingenious device accomplishes is simple. They(people) only accept a “yes” or “no” answer. No explanation or argument for either answer. That’s why your answers aren’t legally either “right” or “wrong” by the majority opinions of definitions. This gets tricky for the reason that they ask you any question and exactly how they ask a question. For example, “Are you happy or do you like that Christmas is over?” Or, the same question might be instead, “Are you glad that the Christmas thing is over for this year?” Maybe, you have different answers. Hmmm…. |
Once in awhile mysterious people show up and say something like, “If you have a minute, we’d like to chat with you.” When do we have this chat?
No one knows. How often? No one knows. They just want to ask you a few questions. What questions? No one knows.
They’re always different and mostly about
random things. In some states you can refuse lie detector use. Some courts do use your results as evidence. Can DOD employees refuse to answer any questions? I don’t know. Do I care? No. Originally this process spooked me out a little bit. Why? What they told me was, “This is easy. Really. Just never lie.” Ya know, they are right. I think lying isn’t difficult for some people. I don’t need any more pressure in my life either. Just telling everyone the truth still makes a good recollected story. You don’t have to remember the way that you told a story. You don’t have to. Your story is always the same. Like I told you before, it’s easier. I don’t know this but I have heard that if you are found to be lying then you are - at minimum - led to the door and told, “Good luck.” And that was it. I might get a future job at McDonald’s. I have also heard that if you are asked, “Have you have ever intentionally given classified data to improperly classified anyone? In that case, if you lie or correctly answer Yes, then you are taken “out back “and shot until you are dead.[33] O.K. That is sufficiently explained. Finally. How tricky do you think these questions are? I was asked, “Is the sky blue?” and I answered “No.” Ask the government, have I ever lied? They insist, No. I was also asked, “Have you ever stolen from your employer? and I answered, Yes.” I thought, “Oh fuck. I hope getting shot is painless.” In reality they didn’t want any explanation which I thought I needed since I took home some pencils in my briefcase when I changed jobs. I didn't bother to return them. They don’t care. They just don’t care if I speed on the freeway either. I still had my job anyway. Get it? Physiological changes occasionally indicate your own guilt’s consequent or abstruse exhibition. As was said, these statistical incidences are only oriented to anything by experienced results. For example, we all know that a person doesn’t get lung cancer from cigarette smoking. I honestly know that the sky is not blue at midnight or on a cloudy day or sunset time. What do YOU think? Could you handle those kinds of jobs? Hey, my bonus, I worked at doing something I still like - a lot. I had no problem at all following the rules.[41] No one does at PACOM either.[42] We’re all on the same team. I’m just talking about PACOM but no one else wanted to work at McDonald’s either.[43] |
Once you are classified, the rules apply to your entire future life. If you’re fired or quit your job then the rules still apply. On 9/11/2001 what information did I use my personal email for? I told someone that the traffic sucked while just trying to use the freeway to get into this base and that I’d probably be late coming home late. I think that’s different. What do you think? |
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Do lawyers (like B,&H.Clinton) understand any of this? I don’t know. |
[2]Watergate: [3]Bill Impeached [4] [5] [6] [7]U.S. Adultrey Rules Style [8]Can the secretary of state be impeached? [9]1.4 million Americans have top secret. Core secrets? NSA: [9½]Classification types [10]If you have different information(not opinions) let’s see your references. [11]Defense Secretary Ash Carter [12]First computers: [13]The first U.S. President to use email was Bill Clinton. In office between 1993 and 2001: [14] [15] [16] [17]Hillary first fired: [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]Camp Smith built 1947: [25] [26]1944 PACOM 1947 NORAD 1948; nbsp; [27] [28] [29]Polygraph: [30]My older blog: [31]A camera’s(or RADAR’s) point of view is based on four-dimensional Euclidean space which comprises a spherical coordinate system (r, ?, f)that gives the radial distance, polar angle, azimuthal angle AND time [32] [33]Is treason worse than murder? The DOD may have a different opinion. [40]State polygraph: [41]SCI or government: [42]Department of Defense: [43]TS/SCI:  |