
Why do people get Married?

My Historic Apprehensive Prelude:

This is the next part of life in America – and probably the rest of the world.
For most people, this is what living is all about. Some disagree.
This is what some people call Dating. [1]  Mankind has been around for 200,000 years. This is the one thing that the mankind does most successfully. [2, 3] 

Do bad things happen to some women in life? Here's when my wife knew it.

No more Theology or Philosophy. Now comes the Real Part

  A lot of people say, “I don't like surprises!”. What they really mean is “Good ones”. Not “Bad ones”. If you're rare enough that you don't get any surprises in your life, then those has the same effects on your most boring life. I'll give you a few more details on those effects that I just mentioned.

  This is my brother in law with two wives (one at a time). The last couple think they're currently happy and successful. My wife and I wish them well with our realistic optimism.
Was Debbie And Now It's Ruth

  All of these pictures represent a total of four relationships engaged chronologically in either marriage [5] , divorce[6]  or about to start new married relationships. I'll try to explain who did what? I know all of these people so I think the important perception was how I was involved in most of these lives. That idea doesn't make me offer my opinions idiosyncratically.[4] 

or Hers
Important Questions? You decide
Details or examples
G Reproduction: Do you want to practice at having how many healthy children? Babies how many or fooling around with who and how much and with which sex
If you don't like sex with me I'm glad I know at any time. This is not 1916 tradition.
H Survival: How much money we will need to be happy and enabling food and medical help? Time at work or not? Split our money? Who is the Treasurer and/or Abdicator
J What do you do in your spare time (with or without me). Hobbies? Do you need your own time? How much?
B honesty (will we ever lie to each other What's your definition of Fidelity or anything?
C Respect. e.g. can we disagree or have other opinions like political or anything else? and how we treat each other when it will happen. Can we trust each other's answer? (Impossible)
D Do we trust each other completely? Is that a tough one? This might be part of other items. (Impossible)
K Religion how, which, where. atheist, doesn't matter
E anger (that's between us or the rest is a big question) (What are you gonna do? Believe me, you can't possibly answer that question) I think you should probably dis-include assault)
L alcohol and/or self-prescribed drugs, tobacco? We know now but behave better later?
F Are you artistic What or How?, Musician, Author, Painter or ?
I What are your parents like? look normally, diseased, happy, etc.? You might be something like them?
A Morality Something like shop lifting, murder
? What did I forget to ask? Good Luck Forever

  Everyone knows that the best way to know more about anyone is simple – just talk to them. This applies to all age differences. If you want to talk to anyone just ask them a few questions. I'll tell you more about my plans to really know a friend or partner. Otherwise, talk to a ten year old the same way. Ask them what they interested in doing or “Why is the sky blue?” If they won't talk or say something like ,”'Cause it's just the way it is.”
  Lose them or you're wasting your life's time.
  Courts, Cops or Psychologists know the same thing. I looked up things to ask everyone before potential matrimony, On just the net I found lots of different opinions starting with ten references starting from Ask Abby, Oprah Winfrey and psychologically based authors.
  First, if you're interested in someone that you're really interested in, then a list of some of your important opinionated personal traits is a good idea.

Quad Cities Fitness is where it started
Apparently her business part Apparently his business part

  The other reason to talk with someone is to shut up and really listen to them. The young woman in this collection is Caitlyn who is still in business and that's the only reason I use friends' real names. (FB:caitlyn.walston)
  A couple of years ago she joined the gang and came to visit us around Christmas. Since those two kind of planned to be married, I think what really scared her the most was that I would be her uncle in law.
  On evening the others were playing Scrabble in the living room when she sat in a different room with me. Yep, we actually listened to each other and I had a few questions regarding her future. I think that was the really scary part for her.
  Four months latter she broke up with my nephew. Did something good happen? I bet she'll remember me for my questions to which she replied, “Hmmm, I never thought about that.” Now she has another boyfriend and I'll never see her again because she's smart and she will probably remember what we talked about.


  Any woman that will actually listen to me scares everybody. I told her to watch out for some men.

References or notes:
[1] What people think "dating" is all about.

6. a. An engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.
b. One's companion on such an outing.

[2] ”Homo-sapiens has been around for 200,000 years.
“Modern man” is only 50,000 years old. We are both of them.

[3] The World's Human Population>
WORLD Population Problem from a previous blog which is always truth

[4] The definition of love is in dictionaries. That definition is whatever the people's majority think it is.
Some dictionarties don't agree.
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like):
Would you like to see a movie, love?

6. An intense emotional attachment to something, as to a pet or treasured object Note: Sibling excluded depending on where or when you live.

[5] How many people are marrried in US? 4,345,000 people of our population

[6] Divorce rates in the U.S. and second and third re-marriages
Read whatever source you like. The average number here somewhere is 6.9 %



My Marriage

... for some reason

    Some people say I was married around a date near Christmas. I remember who I married to but not when. There are no pictures of me because I was really late. I do remember just a few things. We got married because the Fed taxes were less and we didn't have to pay for a church because the Xmas decorations were already there. Finally I made a little mistake. It was December and I was cold while riding my motorcycle. I have no idea why but some of my friends had to drive my bride away that evening.

  My girlfriend is still there.

  My definition of successfully achieved marriage will be written soon. Is it that simple?


My early date I didn't forget

  Why do I like animals and some humans?

  I always liked animals.  When I was fourteen I discovered a new animal that I was very interested in.

Chapter 1
  Never mind where, but I met a girl who was conquering the boys playing pool.  I was fascinated with the Kat because girls didn't play much pool in those years.
  I thought I had already grown up but in reality I was beginning to mature very quickly.[1]
  I'll remind you about what you think about people doing a thing called dating.  All people infer something different about dating.[2] I wasn't interested in this until then.
  In any relationship my initial “rules” were very simple.  If she and I both liked something, "sounds good".  If either of us do not like something then "it's out".  See, no double standards.  It was and is still simple.

  I liked Katherine for a lot of reasons but the important ones to me were these following things.  She was very intelligent and I never knew what she might be up to.  There were no double standards there either.  You can always "win" without winning every game. I was lucky because I learned that if everyone wins occasionallly like 50% then life ends up being a lot easier for everyone.

  Obviously we were not in a bar.  I play pool very well.  I play many games of anything.  Kathy was beating everyone in this place.
  When I played with her she lost but I still like life's big games.  I wanted a date and she did win 50% thereafter.
  Was I just letting her win ?  She'll never know...  but somehow we both won them all.[4] 

14 years old.  My primary transportation.  No one hitch hikes anymore in 2016(now) and we couldn't afford a bus.  Forget ten miles on a skateboard.
  I still couldn't afford a car or legallly have a license so we could do anything in the only way it was available.  Talking some older people to drive us, ride bicycles or walking.
  That's when things got interesting - when she asked, “My father's not home.  Do you like sailing?” My brilliant response was, "Huh?" I had seen pictures of boats.

  At that time neither of us was in the mood to propose our wedding but aged 14 imagine what we did instead?

This island was where Kat and I went in 1972.  This picture is 1905.  What changed?  Color film and bricks instead of dirt.  In 2016 they added only golf carts – but not here on "Main Street".
Most people on this island[3] just walked.  I took one of these pictures and the "other one" built in WWII but neither of these have changed much.  The building shown in both is the same one.  One is taken from that building looking up the path.  The other picture is the reversed picture.

Chapter 2

This rare boat is similar to the 34 foot yawl that we borrowed in some important things that aren't found much these days.  You do notice the wood.  We called ours a bigger boat that did have a motor and an inflatable life raft.  We never wondered how much $ it was worth.  Who cares what clothing we had ?  One was definitely a life jacket in case we fell off.
  I decided to take the day off from my school and I rode my bicycle down to her house in a beach city on the west coast of the U.S..  Up until then I hadn't been on many “dates” at all.  I learned that when something happened on my first rather serious date.  Like most people my life did change forever.
  First, let's define 1972 as nearly ancient history.  Although I was one of the school's photographers, they loaned me a camera so I didn't own one.  So that picture is very similar to some of the ancient boats.  The boat belonged to Katherine's family so we didn't technically steal this 34 foot boat.  We did borrow it.  Now, consider this very carefully.  Would you trust two fourteen year olds with very limited sailing experience to “borrow” this boat?   Remember, in '74 there were no cell phones or computer PCs or GPS navigational aides.

  Did we get in big trouble?  Everyone does, but Kat and I really had a great time anyway.  A lot of fun that I will never forget... Don't take this the wrong way. This woman is still beautiful in my mind.  Speaking personally and somewhat harshly, she gave me the best present I've ever gotten.  What did I mean by that?
  She taught me how to live and what she called – the right kind. 

Pick your own boat parking lot.  This Santa Barbara berthing wharf in ~1613 looks like a XMAS parking lot at any shopping mall or any freeway at 5:00pm.
  If you are never happy then what is the point of living?  The entire point of this explanation is actually simple. If you're happy sometimes waiting for fun is how the entire world wants to live. 
  Living in this world end up with the same result. The problem is that there are limits to your allotted time and that "allocated time length" is not your choice.
  I learned from her that we all die and we aren't allowed to choose how.   This may sound weird but my thanks to her because I learned earlier than most.  Life is dangerous but I still do exactly what she suggested to me. There's absolutely no reason to hurt anyone else. Instead I just wanted to be happy and I can always share those hypothetical emotional feelings in my newly created or generated lifestyle.
  Of course, unfortunately, there are a relatively smaller group of people that do know what I learned a lot earlier in my lifetime than the majority.
  Generally, was she a bad girl?  For the record, my answer is no but she was exactly what I needed. Why? I did and still do thank her a lot for my life's future at least partially realistic or psychological intention or goals.

This island has a population of about 4000 people.  90% of them live in one city where the tourists go too.  Is there any other way to live on a rock there with no water ?  I dunno.  The Bison do.  Look at the clarity of that ocean water in southern California.

This is the biggest building[3] on the island.  Most of the original inhabitants were Marines so this thing was built as a ball room to dance in.  Figure that one out.  In the 70's it was a movie theater but I think that was closed too.  Now it's probably a casino.

This is the same street I showed before.  Compared to the inhabitants there are 1 million tourists here every year.  Going anywhere else on 90% of the island requires special permits.

Unlike my previous picture of boat parking in Santa Barbara, no one lives in these because there aren't many affordable ways of getting to shore for more beer.  Those buoys didn't exist whenever that I can remember.

Final Act:
  Once in awhile, very young people do get a quick peek at life's worst realities. When I was fourteen years old, Kat, my first really best girlfriend died. Why? Just "naturally". Believe me, that was a really untimely awful experience.   We all die.  I didn't know if she knew that she had six months left to live with cancer (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia).[6]  There's a good chance that she did.  That's always the worst way to go - knowing when.   Then. I understood that and why.
  Here's the majority's secret. Most other young people don't really believe that they're mortal.[6] Maybe anything bad happens to someone else. Not to me.   How on earth did that event improve my new life?  I know that this sounds like a ridiculously stupid question. These questions really don't apply to most “lucky” people. Did this event create my "new" life? Yes.  Is that good or bad?

Mostly Here's How Lives Work
  When some people get older they call it their midlife crisis.[5] They begin to realize something that what kids under thirty predict - that everyone will eventually become physically inferior and they just die and there is no way to avoid it. Then "younger" humans finally realize that everyone's entire life's process is very traditional. Then suddenly, Wow, what a surprise about some people's lifetimes' shortened elapse or some called gypped.   Everyone seem empathetic on any life's typical progressive succession but that just doesn't happen for everyone. People are sympathetic for hospitals that cure cancer affecting youngsters. Most of you don't understand the difference between “cure” and “treatment”.[7] All that a medical doctor says about these definitions are exactly “We'll try”. What doctors can't or don't predict is the amount and number of treatments are required.
  Some people donate money that are guaranteed to expand life's continual happiness until you're over 25yrs-old (historically) and you and your bodies are considered useless. Traditionally useless means sexually not untimely reproductive or replacement of food producing farmers. These are the basically the only thing that we do.
  Around 460 BC someone called Hippocrates named another physical problem. Since then, I think the two major medical discoveries were Willow tree sap and bread mold or rotting apples which someone else called aspirin and penicillin. People still sell a lot of these medical miracles. Now, back to cancer. Any improvement on curing it?[8] No. First, let's work on something we call "a cold".
  Again, Did Kathy and I ever get in trouble for stealing his MD doctor-father's boat? Nope. Since I was fourteen I also learned a few new things. The worst thing that most parents have is losing their own children.

  This might sound terrible but I'll say it anyway. When you are young enough to look forward to their new lives and learn that you might die any time isn't bad. It's a gift. I just gave you the same gift. The real problem is that when you get older, all of your younger abilities to do or have fun at anything disappear quickly.

Post Script:
  I don't know when I wrote this other one – thirty five or forty years ago.  If you think I was always a “bad”person, you're right.  I met another “bad” girl two years later. No one would ever replace Kathy. She was the best teacher I ever had.  You'll think I'm greedy for some reason.  I didn't need anyone to depend on me.  So I wanted a girl who didn't want to get married or have children either.  Women like that are rare but I found a wonderful one anyway and we simultaneously understood the following encounter: Is this one connected?

  By the way.  Sometimes you fully plan out your life....
  There are always more surprises anyway.

References or notes:
[1] Does anyone Not know what I'm saying or implying?
[2] What is a date? Everyone have different definitional opinions
[3] Santa Catalina, 20 miles from Long Beach City in Southern California

[3½] I think this building was here before WWII to feed everyone.

[4]  I still play pool (among other things) on a pro-sized table.

[5 ]What does psychological mid-life mean? Everyone have different opinions.
There is always space for your own (and referenced to you)
[6]   U.S. Population Die when and why
cancer (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) US female aged 0-14 is
female 122 both sexes(296)

[7]  Define "treatment"

[8] Current treatments for leukemia and other kinds/ What are the odds? So ,is cancer treatment worth going through 1 or maybe 5 times. I don't think so. Maybe you do? Is it your choice? I can say these things because I have had only 3 surgeries and only one really nasty one. Never again. This picture is only the nice part. It's not diagnosis or Walmart shopping. Will you like doing this every day for a month (the first try)? If you think this is fun = you're 'fuckin' wrong!


Glamis Dunes Part 3

Chapter 4See previous [part 1]    Don't miss [part 2]

      My individual theories presented here are not a coincidental three part story. Instead, presented a little more chronologically.

   Part 1 was about children that enjoyed playing in sand piles because sand piles were a new and fantastic experience. People have been exploring new territories since the beginning of our modern times – merely 50000 years ago[1]. What has changed dramatically? In an incredibly increased at a geometrical rate of changes in us and our environment.  In other examples of the rate that things change in our world, have things changed more in the past 500 years compared to its previous 45,000 years? I think our world's changes of anything are also getting scarier at the existing geometric rate. How long is that going to last or will it at all?

Our entire history is a lot like my own's life span. When I was young the world was a beautiful place. Then things always get worse. Things change more rapidly that they did 10000 years ago, Do you have a different opinion? [3]  

   Take any basic data that you like and will enable you to “calculate” a lot of modern miracles. (This method explains any 'miracles' differently) For example, the human population has increased which mathematically coincides with the increase in the American debt. There is also a correlation to the availability of new territorial adventures[2,3].

   Like everywhere on this earth, California began the same way as anywhere such as North America which was taken over by the older Europeans or whomever. A lot has changed in the Californian territory[7] since my relatively small life time.

Chapter 5 - Dry Lake(Owens) and Pismo Beach and Glamis(Algodones) Dunes

I'm a SCUBA diver and I don't touch anything[9] except water and sand.

Owens Lake we called "Dry Lake" when we didn't call it mud. It did rain for about an inch of water in this dry lake and that made the best mud surface for real 4-wheeling harmless fun.
   A very long time ago I started off-roading by driving on a dirt trail in a desert that was located in the middle of nowhere known.  We preferred driving in the desert at night with a lot of self-provided lights.  Were we destroying nature's desert environment? That's when we came to a long strip of dirt in that desert probably put there by a bulldozer because it was completely flat.  We still don't know what that big road was.[5]  Was there a big deep hole in the middle of another nearby trail?
That white color is wind and dust and salt. Still no condos here.
Even then we knew a few tips about off-roading in weird places. Even with lights, if you can't see the road ahead, then stop. It was a big hole 20 feet wide and we didn't want to get close enough to look down that hole. Instead we threw a beer bottle into it and we never heard it hit anything. At that time in my life there were no cell phones and we didn't know where we were or that anyone could track us which they are able to these days (2016+). Somebody went where we did and never returned.  No one knew where he went. If he was lucky, he never knew either.[6]

Pismo Beach North(1970) Never ATVs here

Pismo Beach North(1970) Never ATVs here

Pismo Beach North(1970) Never ATVs here

~1980 2005
Will Antarctica be crowded next?
I doubt it

   This example has already occurred in the rest of the world and this is certainly the last place it will happen?  Right?  Am I responsible for changes in anything? Yes, and so are you and the rate of world changes will decrease dramatically for future generations? How or why? Since we're already dying as usual, I feel the same as most of you. Do I care about the world's future when I'm dead? Nope.

   Don't tell me about your advanced vision of the future. It had to happen and there is one way that it will happen and you won't like it and you can't prevent it either way that I know of.[4]

Same beach in a different viewing direction. In 1980 these looked the same empty beach as in the first photos. The difference is what we called future progress. This only identifies the first stages of our ruined environment. Everyone wants to live here or run your business but you wanted to be the first the and the only one.

Who or what owned this beautiful land and beach where it would be a nice place to live or run your business? I've said this before a lot, “The world's increasing human population” is still ruining it. I have other blogs with duplication examples.

Chapter 6 - Glamis Dunes

Sattelite Picture of Glamis

Yhose initial mysterious items changed to wind mills. Why? It's obvious. No sun. No living earth. No history. No future.

The Glamis dunes looked like this in 1970. Still do. ATVs access is limited to different areas.
    All of these pictures were taken in 1970 and are very similar. The first picture is from a satellite publicly available photo at an unknown date. I was in a job of reading satellites and this one is unintelligible. I can see a few lines. The left edge is the north direction. Before I  
talk about ruining the desert by driving ATVs over the sand dunes then remember what else is in these pictures. A hundred years ago there was very little way of getting here. Then we built a road for some reason.
   The line on the right is still a railroad.  In the 70's we were told that the train rails was the border of Mexico. No one cared. We just didn't want our ATVs to get stuck on the train rail and you know why.  Instead we put pennies on that track and let the train squash them.
   Then the big black line in the middle of the picture running east and west was added. Trump didn't know it was there. Most other Americans didn't either. There is a reference to what this line[10] is.

Chapter 7 Toys  When or if You Grow up, YOU pay for them.

My first off road bike, 1970
I still have the first. Bikes in 2010+ haven't changed much
 I mentioned from part 1 of this blog that we had always had toys that we used in our sandpiles. Now, these types shown are our newer toys. The fun has not decreased. The price has increased.  The first two are dirt bikes that haven't changed a lot in forty years and they are physically the safest toys. Why? The worst is crashing yourself and landing in a much softer terrain instead of driving to work on a street motorcycle on a harder concrete freeway with other bigger cars.  There are a lot fewer other drivers in the middle of nowhere and a lot fewer drunk drivers which is much safer for you.
   The other two are what people used to call buggies. Maybe old people still do. I call them sand rails. The main reason is these contraptions where designed and built with steel pipe and an acetylene welder. You needed an engine and an acelerator pedal. The rest are accessories.

My first older car - not plastic

Sand rails. These are not buggies. More exspensive than the red one. Did not have pedals.

Home Made with steel and acetylene welder.

My first tricycle. Driven by three year olds were the similar problem.

my wife's first ATV tricycle. That's why the ATVs with three wheels are no longer sold

My second tricycle. Looks harmless. It hasn't been used yet.

These tricycles required a lot of driving skill. That's the other reason they're not sold.
   The first picture was my first tricycle. The second was from Japan with a different engine propulsion. Both models were very mechanically tough. The difference is that both could be used by children who didn't need a license like a motorcycle or car.  The third one was ridden by a very skilled operator.  That's why these are no longer sold.  I'll tell you why a little later.
   The immense story of humans began - who knows when? On all occasions we had to travel. In most children that began by crying, crawling, walking or swimming (Mostly Hawaiians).
   Some history versions hypotheses that bicycles were invented first.  I think that was a good idea but then I realized that children were clumsy and were better suited for all when they were a greater distant apart from most living things.  The next idea occurred to those who wanted to make money earlier than expected, train children to experiment – that never ceased – and to experiment with something more dangerous than anything else.

Chapter 7 Agodones/Glamis Dunes

   In this blog I have shown you a lot of great expanses of possible inhabitable territorial but unwanted nothings.  As always, then came the humans.  It seems that we ruin everything. There's only one thing we can do about it. There is no reason for anyone to care.
   These sand piles are found in a lot of places in our world. Most of these places where uninhabitable by people.[11].    Things needed by people were not yet found: Water, food, roads, medical hospitals, gas stations and condominiums.  That will change.
   In a proceeding story I told you about not many people being in some places in the no-wheres. Does anyone or committee or any group have any ideas about what 8 billion people do in their daily schedules? I don't even think there's a guess.
   The '70s seem like ancient history.  We call this uninhabitable area Glamis. No one ever knew where this place was and there was no way to find this unknown place. Believe it or not only some of the old people had ever heard of maps or compasses. Our new generation had things that had never existed like roads in these harsh environments. The only way to get there was the follow someone that had accidentally discovered it.
   When we went down there next to Mexico we brought everything we needed to ride the dunes day and night. We brought a little tent, bottled water, gasoline and our various transportation. As you can see in the photos there were no signs no lights or just plainly nothing. We could traverse geographically during the day by the sun pointing sort of east and west. Sometimes during the night with a new moon, finding your direction got a little more complicated.
   At one time when there were hot and dirty families tented here and there. My friend Russ Deer provided a mew geographic known point. How? Remember, GPS a Cell phones did not exist. At one time there was a big K-Mart store that eventually bought Sears. K-Mart was a very large store even before Walmart. K-Mart had a rotating blue light put on a metal pole that was close to the ceiling that was targeting all customers to a specific and special sale. In some way, Russ “obtained” one of these great tall lights and took it to Glamis with us. People could see it from anywhere in the dunes in the middle of the night. We decided to sleep at midnight on some nights. Parents were aware that their kids or teens are planned to be lost out there somewhere. Amazingly, parents showed up after midnight and asked (or begged) for us to turn the light on for a little while longer.
   Sometimes it's amazing how easy it is to really administer any selected society.

These are desert dunes or shopping centers. You could make money.

They're here the same way as the windmills except these don't make electricity.

No ATVs and rippled sand is back in a few days. Same deal with your freeway. Recovery just takes longer.

Dunes are dunes. Different ATV's. Saharas' camels.

Comparison Meeting - That's all

   The Glamis dunes were a larger area than this picture that we called Main Street.  It was like the main area in NY called city center where everyone conjugated for most holidays.
   That picture is not New York but it is a place that mysteriously showed up jn the 1979 National Geographic magazine. Usually on weekends or day holidays people showed up here for a few reasonsI had to go to a place that was called a library to find this 1979 copy of National Geographic and those are my friends and I who are unidentified because we were looking at what the photo was intended and it's a good photographer because she was exposing real film for twenty seconds and still getting a good picture.
   This place was called “Main Street” because everyone was there on weekends or holidays doing what some would call ruining the desert.
   I have two responses other than “yes”.
 #1: The dunes are still the same as the ones shown above because the windmills are still turning and all of the pictures that I've shown in this entire series except for one thing
 #2: The word population is about 8 billion (human). The following are simple examples, Where do you get your food. Where do you live? Do most of you drive something for your transportation. Have you ever used roads or trails. Have you ever been in hospitals, gas stations, dentists, or stores where you buy whatever you seem necessary?
   O.K. Then where do all of these sub-examples exist. If you live on earth, then you are the same environmental problem as anybody else.  If you disagree then exactly how are you are a better living anything? Do you really think so?
   I'll be dead pretty soon. Your worries wont go away. There are ten more to replace me. (Oh, I don't have any children!)

References or notes:
[1]   ”homo-sapiens has been around for 200,000 years.
“Modern man” is<>only 50,000 years old. We are both of them.

[2] The World's Human Population>
WORLD Population Problem from a previous blog which is from Part 2 of this story

[3] Examples of famous American off roading explorers who effectivly ruined our national environment and we're all of their favorite future predictions.

[4] Previous story of the very nice environment where we'd all want to ruin and live.

[5] Probably an unknown drugs import or export airway.

[6]Probably once a certical mine shaft. If you want to find this, be careful, Good luck.
Do cell phones work underground in the middle of nowhere even these modern days?

[7] california history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_California_before_1900

[9] I became a certified SCUBA diver when I was sixteen. (Minimum legal age) Why? I don't know.
I thought women looked pretty good in wet suits. Good forms.

[10] I guess Trump didn't know that this was here a long time ago. It is stall a wall.

[11] Only parts of the Algodones Dunes are open to the public.
Here is only one of government's basic ideas. https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/swcbd/PRESS/ALGODONES.HTML