
Would You Live Here?


   This time, this blog doesn’t present anything that anyone can disagree with.  This identified problem is something that no one can complain about.  This problem is based on the design of the human body’s current species.  There is something completely different about the Homo Sapiens than any other species of anything on Earth.
   The whole world’s population of this species has never decreased[1].  The only thing that we live for is exactly what of any other living being does.  It is reproduction.  There isn’t any reason to read this any further.  I already know what you want to do.    I don’t think that we can control our rates of reproduction.  Several countries have tried but…
   I think Mother Nature will take care of our problem. There isn’t any way to control her either. For various reasons a lot of living things are already extinct[4]. We are on that list too.  The big question is WHEN?
   Flies are an excellent example. These critters are only adult for about seven days(?). We all know what they have to do and they do it very quickly[2].
   I don’t have any answers but just like everyone else I can give you some examples of things that I have seen.    We all have different lives primarily based on all of our previous experiences. This preface is about two things. I’ll share another one later.    The "Black Widow" spiders are named that for a reason(that doesn’t mean us). After successful spider sex the female kills the mate[3]. I think that we probably want something else in our lives.  We want to be happier – even the parents.  How?

          "Things That Happen Occasionally”

  The following bits are photos of human other wanteds.  Some of these places look desirable.   There is no doubt about it but only a fragment of my point.  There is only a certain number of places to live in our world.   I, personally, don’t want to live under the ocean, the Sahara desert or Antarctica.  So the amount of land in our world is 149 million km2.[5] I have done a little approximate math.  If you read the available data definitions then tell me if I screwed up.  If that land is divided equally by 8 billion then we all get about four acres.  If you are like me and you don’t want to live in those places I mentioned, then the number drops to 100,000 square feet apiece or about two acres[6] . So far, those numbers sound pretty damn good now.
  On this allocated area there are a few more things that you might want as well. A garage, road and gas station. A dentist and grocery store Or - if you’re a vegetation then you have to grow everything that you need to eat, and you also need water for that. If you like meat, then congratulations, you don’t need a lawn mower. As you can imagine, this list goes on….and on….

   I see these little entertainment blip photos that are reproduced as a fulfillment of your other ideas. The caption for these is always, "Do You wan't to live HERE?  Ahem, You want to live in a realtor’s dream zone. I think that while your dreams come true you also destroy an unreplaceable scene in this world’s exotic realty.
   You feel special because you are now proud of yourself for ruining our world.  Alone, these advertisements are enough but along comes a sublimating second one that now makes this disaster exactly twice as bad. What is happening is that multiplies itself by four billion additional others. This used to be a nice place to hike and I don't leave my own trash.
Not your house - a Neighborhood

All six of these pictures are all in the same time period.

                              Intermission - The usual sexy advertisements

   The Point Break seemed to be one movie that combined sex and surfing. Progress and its “remake” will ruin the original movie this winter.   I am interested in another version of real surfing today. Surfers (or skiers) are and have always been remarkably happy.  What happened?
   The first version of The Endless Summer was written in 1966. These two guys[8] went surfing around the world especially at relatively unknown places where there were beautiful sand dunes and wonderful waves. To me, it was wonderful.
  In 1994 they made their own remake and they revisited the same location that I just described. This time it was all condominiums…Oh Shit.

          "What Does Progression Mean?”
                    {forward or onward movement} - Laguna Beach

There is no doubt. These are real pictures of Laguna Beach in the 1940’s.  If someone wants to present “The News” then you can use your camera in a lot of ways. These photos are in the same place.   I just took these pictures to show you what a wonderful place this still is in 2015.

   One of the first trails created in California was called The Pacific Coast Highway that was also referred to later as freeway #1.   This highway[7] was involved in my following examples.

These are real pictures of Laguna Beach in the 2015.  If someone wants to present “The News” then you can use your camera in a lot of ways. These photos are in the same place. I just took these pictures to show you what a wonderful place this still is in 2015.

      I’m trying to follow the motif of my whole blog.  So, continuing what I have been illustrating in all of the previous pictures, what on earth would that picture on the right have anything to accomplish on this beach.  Is that really another dream home? I really think or hope that the majority of people agreed that that home on a rock in Laguna Beach made less sense than the hotels on what were beautiful cliffs. I mean, why can’t I build my house that overlooks the Niagara Falls[9]?
   I have part two next.  I started my life just like everyone else. Now It’s just part of how I’m still happy and it doesn’t hurt anyone.   Do you believe me?

                    {This time - The last forward or onward movement} - San Onofre

   Let me wrap up everything that I’ve already talked about.  In a teenaged weekly church social gathering in what we called the “pit”. I first met the girlfriend that I’ve hung out with for 41 years. Well, God, we’re just good people so what on earth should we do next?
   Let me explain to you how this world works.  If you behave the way that is expected then you could pretty much get away with a few things.   For crying out loud, I ran that church’s rock n roll and pool game meeting every week.  Both I and my girlfriend got straight A’s in high school.   I even played football (and chess club).  So of course we dated a lot.  When? Who cares?

Radoiactive Danger

   We took two sleeping bags and a hatchback car on our way to San Diego. About half way there we came across a parking lot or what could have been camper-parking spots.  We had no idea where we were but we did notice something else.
   There wasn’t anyone else there.  I mean, not anyone in ten miles.   It sounded like a good plan for me except this place was kind of a weird place.  When the sun came up we could finally see where we were.
   We were in San Onofres next to an electricity generating facility.
   We knew what we were seeing.  People tend to put garbage dumps or prisons in remote locations.   In 1965 there was no one living between Los Angeles and San Diego.  That’s where we could escape from the rest of the turmoil.   By the way, off-road travelers and surfers both like the places that no one knew about[10].

Californian surfers found out that
The ocean was warmer HERE
Radiation = Surfer with the Big
Stick + Bikini + The Sun

I think everyone likes to live by experimenting with their own new territory.  Maybe that’s why we flew to the moon or “discovered” America.   Those kinds of places are rare now. Eventually they will all disappear. I know why.

Laguna Beach was always closer to the overpopulated places. Some people moved close to the famous Love Canal(Niagara)[11]as well.  I have no idea of all the history of where I live now.   I bet these people don’t either.  I don’t think that this was a dangerous place to live.  It’s just some more empty geography that never will be again.

[1]The human population has decreased at times https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_decline
[2]After Pupa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Housefly
[3]Huh?Spider Sex? http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/spider_blackwidow_sex
[4] Washington Post - Extinctions;&nbsp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction_event
[5]Reference for land 149 million km2, water 361 million km2   And, there is still a huge ocean
[6]How much habitable land? Oh, except there is still a huge ocean
[7]There is much more history. I just wanted this minor truth today.
In 1964 The first was the “Lake Tahoe Wagon Road. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_State_Route_1
[8]"The Endless Summer” 1966, 1994 Mike Hynson and Robert August https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Endless_Summer
[9] Look for Hotels at Niagara Falls
[10]Where the nuke was became MCCS Camp Pendleton and a Ca state park. The condos were where I was visiting in San Clemente
which is exactly 2 miles from San Onofre. The surfers you saw are still there. Now they pay their entrance and parking fees.

Happy Holidays?

   The theology or ideology of Christmas is a good thing for a lot of people.   I like some things about it too.   You can always read about some of those things that I have mentioned briefly Here. [1] A few things also annoy me about the “Happy Holidays”.   We survive being merry on many other occasions that occur on each year’s calendar.   As I mentioned, there are still annoying things for me and they aren’t Christmas-exclusively.
   If you have your home professionally Christmas decorated to insure that they end up perfect? Another guy in an ad put up his own lights that said, “Marry Me?”.   Oh, and, he also had a new car for his fiancée.
   I went to a movie made by George Lucas called THX1138 in 1971.   In its lobby a group of people were trying to sell something called CableTV[2].   You could get movies and numerous special channels and absolutely no commercials.   There was also something about how much this entertainment would cost you.   “Almost nothing” they said.   I told my friends, “They’d never sell this.”
   Let’s go back to where I started this.   I don’t wonder why some get drunk while they’re welcoming the new year following “Merry Holidays”!

As you know, what follows is just the tip of our iceberg.   For those who don't care about any of this, Merry Christmas anyway.

No XMAS ads with Polar Bears Since 1970 Santa drinks Coke too fiancées Christmas

Mele Kalikimaka na makamaka



Old Fashioned Freeway Phone Booth

          “Telephone History?”

  What did kids do with computers in 1970? Much more advanced as Ping Pong or Tic Tac Toe. There was more too. These kids just wanted to make money joining these new computer contraptions with people’s needs. We fond out that e could hack anything with an expensive oscilloscope based electronic analyzer, the M6800 or the Intel 4004 together with a Motorola radio and what could you get? First you design your own computer with your own operating system and build it out of a printed circuit soldered together with another machine and you get that weird freeway emergency phone.
  Remember, there were no phone booths on the freeway and neither were there any cell-phones because that freeway phone was exactly what (among others) became a cell phone too. I know the idiot that built that thing just to pay for his apartment’s rent bill.
  There was a time in this country that people had travel and vehicular trouble on any freeway and no one had radios or telephones in their cars when their tire blew. Where could they find a phone booth on a freeway when you needed one?

This is from the original Blog;


Telephone History?

Paul Revere 4/18/1775? ~1830 Joseph Henry,
and Samuel Morse
  In our history we wanted to communicate with one another by simply grunting or making mouth noises but then we eventually became concerned that we were a long way apart from each other.  Suddenly we realized that we had a real problem.  How did we solve this problem?
  Where did this solution begin - and what’s next?

  The American Indians used smoke signals. It also began with whistles, sirens and drums. They were all louder than yelling but those revolutionary answers were a bit too limited or primitive.
  As you can see In that first picture a man called Paul Revere began our independence war with lantern signals[1] across the Charles river to warn farmers that an hour for our resistance was coming.
  Along came a lot of progressive items but there are also a few of things that changed a lot of people in America - and cohered to this blog’s theme.  One of them was electricity(1800’s)[4]. The second item was the radio(1893)[5]and finally the electrical telegraph.(1831) [3]
   These things made a major progression in human communication.

   I wanted to mention one more little thing.

  In about 1875 there were three guys named Hubbard, Sanders and Alexander Graham Bell who invented something they called a ”telephone” and a money making company called the Bell Telephone Company.[6] They thought that they could connect a lot of major American cities and Canada who started out by saying, “HELLO”.  Eventually this initial company was bought by another one.  Guess who?
  In 1858 the Atlantic Telegraph Company laid the first transAtlantic telegraph and dreamed-of telephone cable that was to connect America and Europe[7] in much less time than the ten days for the ship to complete this mission.  It was hailed as the start of the modern era of global communication.  Ahem, this first try at long telephone cables lasted about a month before we over powered and fried the wires.

Employees learning
to climb telephone poles

          More Modern Version

Women like phones Women liked to work too Everyone - No coins Earlier No dial

  I call this the modern version because, well, I was alive.  Did the modern phone appliances get more complex? When I was small, our family shared a single line with all of our neighbors.  Each family got your special ring of, for example, two ”shorts” and one long ring. No big deal.  Everyone could listen to your “own” call or everyone else’s.
  When I was a normal child about a hundred years ago I can still remember what my old phone number[9] was IVanhoe 7 – 2465.  If I forgot it, I could look it up in that modern thing we called a “Telephone Directory Book”. But why did we need telephones?  Just imagine, now we were identified simply by numbers.
  Referring to that picture of a telephone operator above. That operator was dealing with all of the customers in just the “IV” section.  The number of customers would eventually increase numbers to an area code[10] instead.   Notice also that there are a certain number of plugs that connect one hole to another and connected a phone call.  What do you think happened if more than those twenty plugs tried to call at the same time?  That is what we later called a “bummer”.  That doesn’t occur these days when a lot more people try to connect to the internet.

Call Collect on a
cell phone?
Now, Where does
Clark Kent Change?
If it breaks
Call 411
New method for
sibling yelling?
Will kids ever get electronics
for Christmas again?
Freeway Phone
Hotel Now
WIFI is visible
Getting better means
getting smaller
Call Phones all
have a GPS too
   Actress Jodie Foster was in a ’97 Contact movie.  We still do that in every country.  Who in the hell do you think they are listening to now?  Numbers could always be bugged but originally it had to be a physical connection.
 When would radios marry phones intimately and confidentially? Human races were nearly always free to marry each other.  So why wouldn’t the radios and cell phones and personal computers also marry each other to make a new babies’ style.  They did. They will continue.
 Our cats and dogs already have their identities’ chips imbedded in their necks.
 Kids these days grow up with them and need them for their education, communication (once more) and their own entertainment. And they didn’t even have to talk any more.  They could communicate with an abbreviated language all typed with one thumb.  What’s next?  An imbedded chip in our heads?  Just something to think about.  Someone wants to make a lot of money doing just that… I don’t.


 We always remember that TV shows or movies always provided phone numbers that always were just 555-something.  Can you ever trust history stories?  This picture was supposedly taken in the 50’s.

   Does she have a smiley face there? (Upper left)

Is she an official Hippie?

[1]Revere in a lighthouse: http://www.sonofthesouth.net/revolutionary-war/colonies/independence-movement.htm
[2]Electrical Telegraph: http://inventors.about.com/od/tstartinventions/a/telegraph.htm   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_telegraph
[3]Morse Code was another idea in here too: http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/telegraph
[4]Electricty:Ben Franklin with a kite in the lightning:   http://www.ampersandcom.com/ampersandcommunications/ABriefHistoryofElectricity.htm
[5]Radio: &bsp; http://www.personal.psu.edu/jtk187/art2/radio.htm
[6]First Telephone Company: &bsp; http://www.corp.att.com/history/history1.html/
[7]Transatlantic telegraph cable laid: &bsp; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transatlantic_telegraph_cable
[8] Future blog (exists)
[9]Old phone numbers started with 2 letters:   http://mentalfloss.com/article/61116/why-did-old-phone-numbers-start-letters
[10]Telephone Area Codes:   http://www.area-codes.com/area-code-history.asp