
What's wrong with Bathroooms?

Bathroooms? It doesn't look right.     I’ve seen this one a lot lately.  I’m confused a bit on what exactly everyone is debating about.  I need your help of explaining a few things to me.  Why are these private or public areas called restrooms or bathrooms.  Who takes a public bath in the U.S.? Or, if a resting room is needed then go to the bar/ saloon. 
    I uncovered about forty other “ladies room” synonyms in a thesaurus.[1] These were only the English versions.  Some of those names indicated or designated either male or female facility requirements or arrangements .  The others didn’t but were more appropriately named. 
    While we try to figure of whether people are complaining about government, toilet, or something else in that cartoon appearing above I will start with a few explanations of men’s urination or other “accidents” that I have incurred and at which I happen to be an expert.  I qualify for my expert opinions because I have one of the necessary tools in all of the following stories except one that is involved with another “tool” and we’ll call that other one vulva. 
    Accident explanations follow that occurred when I was a kid.  Like me, all men will never repeat these circumstances. 

    #1: The skin on any penis is very thin or “delicate”.  In any boy’s usual situations they don’t understand why everyone wants to wear underwear.  When wearing jeans or similar clothes he will eventually zip up his dick in the jean’s front zipper.  The worst part of that situation is that now he knows that he has to knowingly unzip the damn thing.  Women simply don’t understand or sympathize. 

    I’ve never seen episodes like this one on any TV these days but, as always, my sister did not appreciate these things.  Our family was traveling through a large desert with no air conditioning.  Instead we had a wet cloth bag of water hanging from the car’s front bumper.  I finally told my father that I had to pee.  We’re in the middle of nowhere.
A small SUV -that got bigger. Now that gas price is up, Station Wagons are back --- sort of. (I’ll bring that one up too) but he just handed me a coke bottle and told me to aim carefully into the bottle.  Fortunately this was a straight road but folks, that just doesn’t work because everyone pees more than 10 ounces and temporarily pausing emptying my bladder while ‘washing” the car by sticking the full bottle out of the open window in sixty MPH wind.  Sitting in the car seat behind me my sister didn’t like that one either.”

Was 10 oz
   #2: Boys are all pretty stupid but that doesn’t stop us.  Women think we’re all stupid disgusting animals because we can aim (somewhat) when we are in the snow and trying to spell anything stupid - like our own names in the snow. (I have thought of a Frank Zappa’s song….)

    #3. When ya gotta go…men will stop the car and maybe hike out of obvious public view.  There is something men learned about urinating in the outdoors.  Always pee with the wind – not against it. 

   #4. Generally women are (pissed) at me for peeing on the road’s side.  I can empathize because if they need to pee too they have to sit there while men alleviate their busting bladder.  What do they do? Not much.  I was in a car with a friend of mine who happened to be a cop (prison guard) coming out of a ZZ-Top concert with our girlfriends.  A lot of people drank beer at this band’s concert whose members were originally from Oklahoma.  Like a thousand other people who were leaving from one of those four-story parking buildings.  It was full of cars and we didn’t exit fast enough for his girlfriend.  Eventually she said, “wait a minute (which we couldn’t avoid) and she went to a little sspace between two parked cars, yanked down her pants and peed while anyone else honked their car horns.  She had drunk a lot of beer and what I remembered about this was that she produced an enormous urine tinkle that accompanied our car at same progress speed for the entire four stories in that building. 

    #5 I got those above in the wrong chronological order.  I think you’ll figure this one out.  Both sexes learn fairly quickly about how to stimulate men’s penises.  I did that to my own using an improper method.  A long time ago I learned more from my grandfather about his 5000 acre farm/ranch near the Trinity river.
  Eventually I started by doing the same thing that men do.  Remember, I said that this was a long time ago.  My grandfather stopped and told me to do our usual thing at the side of the road.  O.K. I started to do just that and simultaneously found the electric fence.[2]  Yeah, I do remember that electrical stimulation too!
Maybe he's smarter than I was

    I’ll tell you why most humans are worried about the unisex and transgender “problem” bathrooms.  It is exactly the same problem that we’ve had forever and even more in the last century.  See if you can catch the same idea that I just described (in the whole blog).  Human pre-toddler children do stinking or abominable things in diapers.  We are entirely the only animal in this world that does that.  Why?

    One quick intermission – a short break to get popcorn and another beer (a good combination)and there are no advertisements in my blogs.  Meanwhile, while you’re going to the real bathroom in your home, you can miss most of my worthless opinions .

    My girlfriend and I have been together – mostly always with each other – for 42 years.  Some people tell me that I got married but the only thing I remember is that we had a wonderful honeymoon skiing in Mammoth.  Somehow, there were also 15 more that joined us in the rented condominium.  First we lived together for more than ten years.  That seemed long enough to get straight about our major motives and our disagreements.  We did agree on something that we both thought would be important.  No double standards for each other are ever permitted.  We only share two lives happily.
    Regarding this current bathroom legislation or personally diplomatically something, I have the following opinions: I don’t care if anyone is gay or lesbian.  We have those friends but I generally am not interested in any of your personal sex habits.  I just can’t understand the sexual point of gays.  I think that one other type is a little bit more dangerous.  Just like most people I have dealt with different people with different kinds of cancer.  In our modern medical methodology, there is no cure for flu, lupus, colds or many other things like cancer.  The most part of our current cancer treatment is to surgically cut anything out of us the we did like having.  If some guys hate themselves so much, then transsexuals want someone else to cut off their dicks and make it into dog food.  Well, uh oh.
    There is another one with something called effeminacy or transvestite.  My only warning to you is very important to me: “Stay the hell away from my wife’s lingerie cabinets or closet(s).”  Same as I.  Just their shoes’ precuniary-aspects frighten me.

Unisex Bathrooms?

Families deal with unisex bathrooms too....     The current concern is a unisex bathroom used by both sexes simultaneously.  This next part is a little more chronologically interpreted.[5] 
    shen I was a kid, and most of my life I used to hike to the most beautiful places in this world.  They were fun because no one wanted to climb a mountain or walk for anything.  We had unisex bathrooms because they were everywhere - literally.  There was no choice.  We carried a
canteen and if we got thirsty we just scooped some out of the river.  Now every drop that we drink is processed. There is one problem to everything that I’m covering today.  There are too many people.  That problem will be solved.  By people? Probably not. 
    Every toilet that we use has sewage that ends up in the same place as the other trillion fish.  Does that make you hungry?

    #2: My parents went to different colleges sometime near 1945 when there were single sex colleges which still exist in America.  Those that weren’t provided men and women with single-sex dorms.  Maybe geographically
   In the 70’s I went to a University of California college that had the beginning of one of those “new concepts”.  Most dorms in that college were single sex dorms traditionally but our “new” dorm was a new multi-sex dorm.  There were 6 individual “hobbit huts” used in this dorm complex and it was called “Middle Earth”[3]
    Some other new colleges have multi sex dorms as well but do put each sex on different floors.  Ours did not.  We had four groups of single sex and each one has their own bathrooms.  So what was the “new” difference.  As always men take about half an hour to shit, shower, dress and maybe shave.  Women take a lot longer.  So what did they do because they didn’t have enough
Age 18 - and votes for President
room for all women to cram-crowd the same shower/bath rooms.  In the beginning I was surprised – you know – for about a day.  I went to take a shower and there was one or more women already taking their shower too (in different stalls but wide open) Men didn’t do the same thing but we could or might have.  Was having uninvited naked college girls in “our” bathroom a problem? No.  I have more examples of my life’s older aged experieces.

    #3: Sometimes women use the men’s.  Nobody cares.  Men don’t do that.  Why?: Traditionally we men protect our women.  The guy that we catch in the same bathroom with my wife or children, it’s easy.  At least, he gets his ass kicked in. 
    Men don’t chat or look around in any bathroom.  Women go together or in groups.  Men don’t.  Three urinals with two people and they use the outside ones.  I hear that women do that with their stalls too. 
    This is only one more example of all the unconventional or logical things that we do in bathrooms.

I have seen women in ours but usually in stalls.
Women Normal
    As you know there are baseball stadium games with hot-dogs and beer.  At the end of each inning a lot of fans do something congenial about their beer drinking addiction.  As you know, there were three massive lines formed immediately.  One beer refilling line and two more doing the opposite.  Architects were either the wrong sex or just stupid (no comments).  One of those lines moved six times faster than the other. 
    I dunno, the women are still complaining about how men use their penises too fast.  Begin then finished.  Ugh. 
    So you know how this resulted in the following that will stop as soon as someone thinks about providing a lot more women’s bathrooms. Women get tired about standing in their lines forever and go to the men’s room instead.  Two at a time.  One in a stall while the other one guards.  Yep.  I’d do the same thing if I could if there was a legitimate reason – which there still isn’t.[4] 

  Back to watching football

PACOM WWII- No women     #4: This is called Camp Smith built during WWII right next to Pearl Harbor.  When it was built there weren’t many women at that military camp(with all: Army, Navy, Marines and AF).  That building was built to survive bombing so women’s bathrooms were never added.  (Even in the current military rules a higher rank(either sex) is referred to as “sir”.) Do the military women complain? No.  Apparently the men don’t complain about getting killed all-the-time either.
    By the way, there is now another HQ building across the street.  Was there enough money to build that one correctly? Yep. 
Now with women's bathroom. The building is bigger.

  The Daed with Jerry was here in pitch black. There was nothing in the background in '76  The video monitors and the light poles were New
Lions are still in the back    #5: A long time ago I went to an amphitheater in Irvine California.  In our older days, this place was in the middle of nowhere, or, on the side of the Lion Country Safari.  I attended a usual GD concert with Jerry Garcia and the fans were a little higher than most concerts.  Combined with too much beer and the lines for those bathrooms was a problem.  We found a row of big Oleanders hiding the chain-link fence in the back so a small bunch of guys climbed over it to piss in the open field.  Some times men do chat in bathrooms. In the middle of that situation one of us mentioned,” Ah, do you know where we are???” Much later, I finally considered that those permanently uncaged lions were not ever close to the loud concerts. 

Women go in Mens Bathrooms. Did men ever do the same thing? I did.

When I was a kid trying to earn money in a rough job, I did go into women’s restrooms all the time and I only noticed one thing that was different about women’s restrooms than the men’s.  Women were a lot tidier or cleaner primarily because they didn’t pee on the floor or anywhere that I could see.  I was the janitor.

[1] "bathroom" thesaurus
[2] Electric fence danger
[3]It’s 2016 now and the Tolkien’s “Middle Earth” concept has expanded to four other “liberal” UC colleges. It was built in 1974
with only five sub-unisex houses. Total population was about 250 interesting people.
[4] U.S. federal bathroom laws. Good luck finding anything. Everyone seems to be looking by State


Religion and Clubs Part 3

           The definition of the Club Idea.  What is it?

    The following box contains the dictionary definitions[1] of what we call clubs.  Are there other ways to investigate the tangible meaning of anything?[2]  Yes, there are.
    I can extrapolate the following definition opinions in my own ridiculous ways?  Do I sound like a kid?  Maybe.  Aren’t these blogs supposed to be fun?  Hell yeah!

I looked at random net dictionaries for “Club”.  I didn’t list golf tool or beating the hell out of something.

• a group of people who meet to participate in an activity (such as a sport or hobby)
• the place where the members of a club meet
• a sports team or organization

3. A group of people organized for a common purpose,
   especially a group that meets regularly: a garden club.
4. The building, room, or other facility used for the meetings of an organized group.
5. Sports An athletic team or organization. 6. There may be lots of undefined future examples
    Twenty years ago there were no such words as bit, byte, internet protocol(IP?) or blogs.  Later there were.  Are there words like those in an ancient book that we called a dictionary?  Now those definitions aren’t needed and so they no longer exist. (Huh?  Do we say a byte of an apple?) A lot of people use ridiculous everyday tools like Facebook that is just another definition of EMail.  A little while ago there were no such things as computers.  No one knew the theory of what they basically do.  Ask any teenager.  We don’t call those computers "things".  Instead they are just the changing definitions of life.  My father discover new things in his ancient life – like electricity, refrigerators, radios and TV’s(Television).  In changing eras everything else changes too.  I’m not interested in the meaning of religion but once upon a time, there was.  Again, times change.  Now were talking about important things like our lack of ancient gasoline or even art museums.  The new times have redefined the meaning of a ridiculous thing that we called religion.  Now that we have electricity or motors we have our more current meaning of religion.  Now we and THEY call it ISIS.  Can we fight for anything with just our right[3] club? 

    In this series on the meaning of religion I have been trying to define my vague idea of religion.  The preclude to this blog might also include the last blog.part 2 Everyone is born with a brain and five inputs that we people call physical senses.  Exactly the same things.  Every deduction that is made by people is by our additions or what we call experiences which we also call wisdom. 
    Since I’m talking about religion again – I have to start again with another part of my life where I learned more about clubs.  So, five senses = schools = learning = what’s next = ???. 
    My theory is that some parents think that their children should learn how to communicate and interact with other people.  Schools and churches might be examples by only some people. 
    I’m a computer scientist so, naturally, I despised communication or interaction with other people.  Therefore, I didn’t like the thoughts behind the invention of any club.  My last blog was about the purpose of our lives: survival and reproduction.  How do we do that?  Officially, we are the same animals as any others in this world.  Women pick their reproduction by picking the correct combination of two person’s RNA’s (which form new DNA’s).  That’s how the world works.  Can I think like a woman?  Parts of their thoughts are much like mankind from 200,000 years ago.  Find a better man.  Smart enough to beat other men which means physical advantage and in this modern’s era, have enough money to protect our children from most of the bad things that have also been here for 4½ billion years.  Nowadays we have invented clothing or houses that replace our original caves.  Do all things change?

My First escapades or experimental involvement in Tangible Clubs

    Nope, you don’t have to be big or tough to play chess.  Out of 800 students there were about 15 people who played.  Given that 15/800 number mathematical relationship, I guess you do have to be a little smarter than 785 other students to win.  Of course that “accurate” information is how any editorial news works.  Of course you do pick your club’s best news editorial report that you like better that the “whole” truth.  (For example, do you think that CNN or FOX is the better news source?  Ahem, there is no correct answer for this particular test question.)

This was a club that still makes sense.  Doesn’t everyone have these in their living rooms?

You don't pet some dogs.  Why?  Sometimes
the rules change.

This is recent.  In 1975 we were required short hair and ties on Fridays.
Why did I get kicked off?

They weren't big.  Just attitude.  No one bullied them.

No salaries.  Some didn't want to play anymore.
    That works the same for either gender.  I didn’t have a problem with bullies.  My other club that I will call a gang didn’t tolerate bullies.  For example, that gang was a lot like any gang.  In most countries, they refer their biggest and meanest gang as their military.  A sports club was my other mistake.  Different sexes had different jobs.
    Nope, you don’t have to be big or tough to play chess.  Out of 800 students there were about 15 people who played.  Given that 15/800 mathematical relationship, I guess you do have to be a little smarter than 785 other students to win?  Of course that “accurate” information is how any editorial news works.  Of course you do pick your club’s best news editorial report that you like better that the “whole” truth.  (For example, do think that CNN or FOX is the better news source?  Ahem, there is no correct answer for this particular test question.)
    That works the same for either gender.  I didn’t have a problem with bullies.  My other club that I will call a gang didn’t tolerate bullies.  For example, that gang was a lot like any gang.  In most countries, they refer their biggest and meanest gang as their military.  A sports club was my other mistake.  Different sexes had different jobs.

    If we could make anything easier, think about this.  Good players in most sports are genetically superior.  Guess who they might have dated?  Regarding my theories, there are many more examples. 

My clubs that I mentioned were the tame ones.

Are cheerleaders good girls or bad girls?  Who cares?  All of these people’s...
...pictures are in the same club
as the rest of humanity.

They’re all looking for the same things.{See Part2}

So much for the dangerous clubs.  Let's move onto the fun part

Are these “religions”, “clubs”, “military” or “gangs”?  Who cares?
But some places and reasons are color coded. The picture is linked to [5]
As you know, this blog is only part of my series about religion.  I have tried to provide my definition about some of these things.  Everyone is entitled to your own definitions or opinions.  Before we start this section, I’ll provide my other definition of clubs or gangs with examples in this book (on the right)
Same comment[4]
    There are plenty of tough and mean people in clubs.  These might be only some of our clubs.  I consider that some of our most important clubs like congress[5] or religions are based on the same thing: Mythology.  In order to win you must have people who agree with you.  Therefore, I will never be the President or God.  I’m fairly happy enough with the world’s commanders but, as I have mentioned, anyone’s most important thing in their lives are their own survivals.  That’s why a majority of people who are working for these idols always frighten me.  If you’re a honey bee or an ant, there is only one boss.  I have examples of ours.
    I’ll start this part of my story in what I consider the historic chronological order.  I need some help on my ideas of religious history but I’ll try to include our references to “past time”[17-18] as Mesolithic, iron-age or classical antiquity?  There is more to the history of religion.

Religious Entertainment

Killed and killers Volunteers?

Is this another club?

Here's he plot: sacrifice a naked virgin to God.  Does anyone understand religion?  I don't.
    No one really knows how long the idea of religion has existed.  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Is the main question inconspicuous or completely obscured?  I have a few historical examples.[14]
    I watched a good TV show called “The Good Wife” (Julianna Margulies).  She was a better lawyer.  In one court case episode she was against some guy who bolstered his case by using arguments that he needed out of the bible.  The Good Lawyer won the case by using the exactly same method against him.
    Originally I didn’t read much of the bible.  It didn’t make any sense to me.  Forget about the stories.  The first began in Exodus which listed God’s Laws.  Let’s review this: The bible was written like the FOX news.[13]
    A long time ago Walter Cronkite[33] gave us what we called the “news”.  The news description is what, where, who and when.  Then the TV shows wanted a majority ratings so they added “why” to the “news”.  .
    If you want to prove anything to me using the bible, good luck.  I’ll tell you about those things that I first was ordered to read in the bible.  Before I summarize the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, I’ll get to my two better stories in Genesis and Exodus.
Every witness is just spouting 2nd person or third person ideas of reality.  Considering this bible story is about God then the first bible writing was done by Moses.[25] That makes him a second-person witness at best.  All of the other witnesses (including Jesus) were all talking and writing in Aramaic, Greek or Hebrew.[23]
    Who was ahead of Moses chronologically?  The first of what we call mankind first came into existence in Africa or Australia?[26] These were God’s ideas right?  Which God invented the fucked up species?  Currently, 84% of the world who are religious might be obscured with Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christian or “Folk Religion”.  What are the other 14% or atheists(?%)[19] doing on their days off? 

Did Salem's witches burn?  No - somewhere else?

Angel prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son...[16]

According to most normal people, the following pictures are the world's first woman.
Adam & Eve were probably African or Australian[26]
Pretty close to the Grecian statue[24]
    #1: God created man Adam and Eve who sexually “reproduced” the entire mankind.  They had children.  The mankind population was now four.  Then the brothers married their sisters and ended up with 8 billion mostly fucked up humans so far.  In the times when the bible was first written, the population might have been 5,000?  (Are you getting it – so to speak?)
        There’s nothing wrong with having more people or even too many.  There is very little logic to follow here.  Does anyone want to live without sex? 
    Therefore, religions don’t want birth control but that seems to be changing these days.[30] Of course the Christians DID believe in birth control.  It was the same method of preventing aids….(??)Of course that theory was also totally useless. 
    #2 was in Exodus and there was provided a list of her 10 commandments.[21] (If you don’t think that God is female then why are the best people better looking?  Do you understand? 

Kids in Sunday
school will puke.

Some modern Pandora pictures are timid[24]
    What follows are the results of Adam & Eve’s (or Pandora and Epimetheus’) strenuous exercise.  The world was a nice place.  Then we were the last ones arriving at the party.  We then accomplished the two most important things we lived for. 
    By definition, the “current” situation has always changed.  That’s called reality.  God’s ten commandments have also changed a lot to keep up with the current Earth’s universe. 
    Originally my favorite was “thou shalt not kill”.[22] I’m really not that old but God’s commandments words have been modified to “murder”.  I was stumped with that one.  I had to wonder how vegetarians felt about eating salad or swatting mosquitos on their necks?  How else would I know that God forbids people from eating at McDonalds’ for example. 
    It is difficult for me to provide a summary of what mankind has been up to for the past 200,000
years.[6] Instead, I’ll simply provide a few more examples of club interaction. 
    Ronald McDonald has a direct influence with human majority’s thinking process. 
    The American constitution did change too – occasionally[12].  Here are the constitution basics but it has been amended 27 times and there is no known limit.  It was originally created in the same way that the bible or God’s rules did – in a time period connected to Earth’s current needs.  That’s why our original constitution only covered our military navy.[11] Then another military tool called the horse was retired.  The air force and army tanks were added later as exceptions – when they did finally exist. 
    Remember, God told us (currently) that we can’t murder people except in wars.  And there are new rules to waring against only bad people.  No poison gas or biological things or nuclear weapons after we accidently killed some Japanese that might not have been bad people.  Even our money bills say that we’re in wars with our God on our side.  Huh? 

    So why are there wars?  Humans are the only ones that do.  Remember, I have already covered the two major reasons that we are still alive.  No just me?  We want the humans to survive eternally.  There is there no way that that can ever happen.  It is impossible. 
    Males bears do kill each other.  We do because we are in clubs or gangs because the number of people that have the same motivation - survival. 
    So far in my series has been to tie our survival and reproduction together in some way to clubs, religion and government.[15] Let’s move on to the wars that I have already mentioned.  There is absolutely no reason for having wars, but we do have factual information that might add to our reasoning in some way. 
    I found two guys who spent a lot of their time behind a typewriter and exploring a lot of libraries.  They had referenced 1763 world wars and why they happened[7].  Why is still a good question.  .  There is a myth that religions are the number one cause of wars and that is not true.[8] They had another not fully explainable reason that fitted in today’s blog history.  123 (7%) have been identified as motivated by religions of various kinds.  Those numbers mean that 7% of the identified wars were religiously prompted.  Numbers and statistics are always fascinating so we have some more fun available. 
    Most people remember the big era for all of those dear religious soldiers.[9] I don’t know how many survivors still exist today but in general just about everyone was “scared to death “about our famous WWI and the following WWII.  I mentioned that the atomic bomb used in that one by the United States[31] and this time everyone pretty much wanted to avoid WWIII at any cost but wait, do history books for our kids mention anything about WW0(zero).  We call those little religious military campaigns as the “Crusades” that began with a Pope in the 11th century. 
    It is impossible to locate many references to how many people died and why.  In this blog I have already decided that all clubs are dangerous because looking at the numbers that I muddled through my other question is: Are wars that bad?  Wars will never affect our deadly/terminal worldwide population.  I mentioned three major conflicts in our world and here are the results of how many died in each one.  If you can find better, good luck.  The following numbers are war ,~date, dead, world population and per capita percentage dead.  As I said, all of these numbers are completely estimated by the references I’ve listed.
    What do I mean by “Wars aren’t so bad”.  If we’re tired about griping about something according to our clubs then it’s time to find something new to gripe about.  Ask any democrat or republican, this process will never accomplish anything.  Since we’ve been griping for 2½ years.
    Asians have lived here for 50,000 years before the native Indians until somebody called Columbus got lost and discovered America in 1492.[10] From that point we all ventures into our world’s traditional wars and eventually we began by picking on witches in what was well known as the Salem trials[32] in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693[28] (It took a long time to find all of the witches) before we conjoined a few clubs into a new country in 1776.Are witches atheists?  Mo.[20]
The new world:N&S Americas.  Was America discovered by Columbus in 1492?  Nope.  He was lost 100% of his life.
We kept expanding the world.  Then we ran out of new territory.  Now we just have a lot more people and condominiums.

Salem witch hunt took a long time (1yr 1692) to get them all.

Would they prefer the guillotine?

America never burned witches.  We're religious.  Being hanged might be painless.

Giles is male warlock.  Not hanged.  Squashed to death under rocks instead.

    The one I remember was in 1964 when the TV network came out with the following TV show.[29] The guy was just a mortal idiot.  He somehow married a useful woman who was doing the same unexpected things that all wives do. 

While I'm talking about religious and witches today...

 Some normal children are taught anything that anyone wanted to teach us.  In regard to that reality I will sum up some of the things that I learned about any particular religious theories that were presented to me.

A great proportion of world history did not include television

Religious and Atheists might have different opinions of witches. [20] Sometimes not. There are warlocks too.  You get to write your own opinions.

From my previous blog: If there is a god, I think she’s a lot prettier than I am and a lot meaner.  After our current election I hope more bad things won't happen.

[1]  Only the beginning, dictionary
[2]  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/club I looked at random net dictionaries for “Club” didn’t list golf tool or beating the hell out of something.
[3] This term was not meant related to congressional parties.
[4] In my last blog I mentioned catcher in the rye about Romeo and Juliet.  Now let’s mention a few other clubs.
[5] List of countries
.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_system_of_government
[6] Modern man is 200,000 years old>br> http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-sapiens
[7] Wars caused by religion.
[7.1] Encyclopedia of Wars, authors Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod They document 1763 wars overall
[7.2]  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/book/10.1002/9781444338232
[7.3]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_war
[8] The Myth that Religion is the #1 Cause of War
[9] Christian Crusades (11th to 13th centuries)
[9.1] Crusades estimated 35,000 to 100,000 executions.
[10] The Americas beginning
[11] Constitution amendments
[12] 27 or 33 amendments since the Constitution was put into operation on March 4, 1789
Our constitution doesn’t say we can’t kill – just murder
[13] "Separation of church and state" is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson and others.
[14] Constitutional references to God – None that I can find except in something called preambles
[15] Human sacrifice [medieval]
[16] An angel interrupts the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, with the animal replacement in the background (The Offering of Abraham, Genesis 22:1-13, workshop of Ratheembrandt, 1636)
[17] Iron age 1600 BC
[18] Ancient Eras
[19] Atheists
[20] Are witches atheists?  (Nope)
1.  A person, especially a woman, claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery.
[21] Different religious traditions divide the seventeen verses of Exodus 20:1–17 and their parallels at Deuteronomy 5:4–21
[22] Thou_shalt_not_kill (varying versions)
[23] language: It is generally agreed that Jesus and his disciples primarily spoke Aramaic,
[24] Pandora was Zeus' idea to punish... 
[25] Moses - What language
[26] modern humans came from Africa (or maybe Australia)
[27]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_homosexuality
[28] Yes, there were cameras.
[29] Bewitched
[30] Religious birth control.  Catholics against contraception but views have changed
[31] Harry Truman
[32] Salem Trials
[33] Cronkite