
Religion And Perverts Part 2

          "What is religion? Part 2 --- Is that another club?”

   Everyone is born with a brain and five input senses.[1] We begin our lives at birth by doing absolutely nothing.   For a number of reasons we are completely incapable of doing anything.   Parents know what an infant’s capability is.   We all think about absolutely nothing as well.[2] Sometimes that does change.
   At birth we are absolutely as smart as we ever will be.[2]
   Our preeminent goal is to ensure our (species’) survival.  In order to effectuate that goal then begin with our personal physical survival.  Primarily, all living things in our world require food.  Everyone have different opinions but people’s majority say that physical shelter is also necessary.
   Here is a minimal list of necessities for our primary survival goal.  These include breathing, blood circulation, food and water input and output.  At this point we are also capable of screaming for attention regarding eating and crapping. Later we will scream more.
   We have discussed the needs for our early aged survival.  What’s next?

Romeo Juliet(13 yrs old)[4][4]
   The second optimally important reason for everyone’s lifetime goal is delayed until our additional physical development.  Further brain development or our ability to think is still unknown.  Our really important thing is reproduction.  We are very good at that.[3]
   Homo sapiens, also known as modern mankind has been around for 200,000 years.[11] That’s a long time that we have been surviving.    Has anything changed? Not so far - except for overpopulation and worldwide legality?
   Can we understand DNA? Not much, but it is our boss.  There are lifetime rules that we have been obedient to.  Except remember, people will do anything to ensure our two primary goals.
   To me, this part can’t be connected to religion.  That depends on your definition of religion.  I do have a semi-definition of my "religion" term but that question won’t be discussed today.  No one cares about anyone's terms.

Painting Juliet[6,8] ~1788
Philip Calderon
   The definition of love is certainly not universal.  Any definition of anything is independent or individual opinions.  Instead, here are some facts.  Not your brain but instead your DNA says that we need and want reproduction.  That begins with only our owns DNA’s reproduction.  Then there’s the other part that we think is fun.
This isn't punishment. Death is reality
Apparently Juliet couldn’t venture around without her nurse-maid administrator.[5]   In all of our eras the capability of having family based children-aids have depended (primarily) on money.    Human girls and boys are capable of doing what I mentioned when they are about 12 years old.[9]

   Now there’s that part about legality that I have mentioned.  The definition of "sexually legal adult" is different in both eras and geographical location.  In most of the world, including most of the United States the legal adult age is 18 for most purposes.[11] Does that make Romeo and Juliet perverts? Does that also include most teenagers in America?

For this and next blog[13]
--------------- Post Script -------------
   I have given you an outline of the two basic requirements for all people’s survival.  I have shown you the cover of a book that is not allowed to be read in most schools.  There may be other things that help us survive.  Next, I will call them clubs.  This is part of my series on religious things that I have encountered.  Does religion have anything to do with clubs, survival or fun? We all do because the ones who feel that perhaps god is on their team, then I’m afraid of them.  I have one more opinion in part 3.  Obviously “god” and I do not communicate. God refuses me.  I have some rumors anyway. In our traditional conjecture then, if there is a god, I think she’s a lot prettier than I am and a lot meaner.

[1]   HAL's Brain Here

[2]  After birth all the neurons that the brain will ever have are present

[3] World's human population. Predictions are conservative.

[4] Julie was 13? Only Shakespeare knows.

[5] Juliet never goes anywhere without her nursemaid

[6]  Juliet from Philip H Calderon Painting - Image Results

[8] Philip Hermogenes Calderon

[9] Puberty at 10-11 which is reproducible

[10] Sexual legal adult is different between when and where.

[11] Modern man is 200,000 years old

[13] Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger


Religion And Political Games Part 1

          "In congress and churches, they played the same game”

Where in Hell is this building built in 1954?
Hint:A church still exists in America - California
If you gotta build one, put it very near a beach[1]

    Here’s how this little game proceeded. A group of teenagers with nothing better to do was divided into two groups by our tutorial. He gave us a set of game rules. These rules seemed simple and they would not change for the entire length of that game.
    Each group, referred to as teams, will gather in different rooms and decide on what they would vote to earn points. During each turn in this game the teams could vote for 1 or 0 for any reason. When the teams met back together then they were both given their own results. Sounded simple right?
    Here is a simple example of the way that this game proceeded. Those votes and results are incorporated in the following table.

    I have also provided some explanatory notes for each voting round.

Team 1
Team 2
Scores Team 1 Team 2 Note
Round 211-1-1#2
Round 300+1+1#3
Round 401-1+1#4
Sub Totals00
Last Vote00Totals +1+1#5

#1 {ME}When the game first begins there is a 25% chance that any one combination can happen. This is the way that we began with the results shown in the table. {TEAM}Well, these rules are too simple. By voting 1, it looks like we won.

#2 Uh oh. We had better remember this. We both lost.

#3 O.K. We both won the same thing. Is that good or bad? {ME}Who cares? Ultimately, this is the only way to ultimately have a positive result. Not negative or zero. {TEAM} We’re only pissed if the othe team wins MORE than we do.

#4. Oh shit. We forgot. They won first and now we did and remember we are just restarting the same old war again. Fuck it. Let’s each have one relating member with the othe team who make sure that we DO agree before the next vote.

#5{ME} It’s done for today. {TEAMS} O.K. It’s over. There’s still a TV in here. The football game is still on while the old ones are still wasting their time.

Our modern human species have been around a long time[2,3] (50,000 yrs.).  The US Congress[4] has been around a little less.  (227 yrs.).   Since the beginning of human history, everybody has always used the mentioned game above. Human future time? Undecided!

   Will the game results ever change?  Nope.

[1] LAUMC first built:   http://www.losaltosumc.org/history/
[2] Length of humanity(21/2Milll, 200,000):   http://anthro.palomar.edu/homo2/mod_homo_4.htm
[3] behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human
[4] First Congress (March 4, 1789):   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_United_States_Congress

[99] There are no more references today. That's rare. Maybe I just imagined this story.